+7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2Snowman Pot$18.95Snowman PotSnowman Pot1Snowman Pot2In stock: 1 availableQuantity:1 Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsWeight: 4 ozHeight: approx 9" tall This cute handmade snowman is made with soft fabric. It has a wooden nose, black and white checkered bow with black hat and green pines. Handmade in the USA.Show MoreShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itSnowman PotYou May Also LikeFlagbearFlagbear$57.60Chick BoyChick Boy$44.00Mr. WiltmanMr. Wiltman$79.99YetiYeti$69.99Mrs. GingerbreadMrs. Gingerbread$79.99Sitting BuckSitting Buck$75.99