+7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2Boggle$175.00Limited EditionBoggleCBBoggle4Boggle3Boggle2Boggle1In stock: 2 availableQuantity:1 Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsBoggle is a very sweet and very soft bear in dark brown plush. He is made from high quality, super soft fur. Fully jointed with sculpted paws and a dark brown hand stitched nose. Limited in Production up to 1000 pieces worldwide Collection:2024 The Labyrinth Collection Height:17" Age:3+Show MoreShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itBoggleYou May Also LikeHugh MongusHugh Mongus$133.00PonchoPoncho$105.00HilltopHilltop$84.00Limited EditionShortcakeShortcake$112.00Limited EditionTricornTricorn$133.00Bear & Me CollectionRiley RaccoonRiley Raccoon$27.50